Unrevealed: Wisdom from Everyday Women

Not So Sweet 16

Kirsten Dunning Episode 4

Kirsten Dunning got more than she bargained for the year she turned 16. Two months into a brand new relationship, she finds herself holding a positive pregnancy test as she realizes all the plans she had for her future were slipping through her fingers. Find out how her journey through teen motherhood led her to a passion for helping young girls find their identity in Christ before anything else. 

spk_0:   0:11
We believe all women have stories and wisdom to share, just like the many unnamed women we read about in the Bible. Here's what we realized about those unidentified women. They had names, they were real people and they had stories worth telling put their names were un revealed. We created the UN revealed podcast to give power to the untold stories of everyday women. You may have heard that your story doesn't matter, but we believe God can use our testimonies. Has weapons against the enemy. When we use our story to connect with others, we get to glorify the goodness of God. Join us as we reveal these stories of heartache, hope and redemption. Each episode you will hear featured women share one story from their life by answering three questions. What's your story? What did God show you in that season? And what is God showing you? Now I'm your host, Courtney Haggard. And remember, every story matters well. Welcome to the UN revealed podcast. Today we're talking to Kirsten Dunning of the wildly beautiful Instagram account. Pearson is one of those women who always makes you feel good about yourself when you're around her because she always notices and share something positive about you. I don't think I've ever hugged her without getting a compliment of some sort. You know, kindness is free, and Proverbs 3 27 says to never withhold good when it is in your power toe act. This is who Kirsten is. She's always ready to be kind and act on it. So it wasn't a huge surprise to me when she left college to pursue a career in cosmetology. She sees people and loves them. She loves to help them feel confident about how they look. This passion to see other succeed and see themselves as God sees them has recently launched into a mission. After hearing today's episode, I think you will see why Kirsten is so passionate about this and why she's especially passionate about helping young girls understand how Christ sees them and showing them that they're beautiful inside and out. So, Kirsten, I'm gonna go ahead and turn the mike over to you and allow you to introduce yourself.

spk_1:   2:20
So I'm Kirsten and I am the mom to an amazing five year old little boy. His name's Dawson. I'm a wife on like Courtney said. I'm a cosmetologist. I love it. I love making people feel beautiful. Um, it's It's my favorite thing. Yeah,

spk_0:   2:37
And you do such a great job to after my sister in law retired temporarily maternity leave from hair. You started doing my hair and I love going along you. Yes, it's so fun. So to get started, we're gonna answer question number one, which is what's your story?

spk_1:   2:53
That's that's a loaded question. But so I grew up in a pretty normal household. I mean, my mom and dad were together. I have, um, one brother as faras are like church life looked, we would go to church on Christmas and Easter and the important days, but we weren't, um, super involved in the church. We knew the God loved us that he saved us, and that's that was good. We didn't have to be a church, you know, Or so we thought. And I was very dedicated. Teoh going to our youth group and making friends that were good Christian people. And I I think that I had it in my head that it was supposed to be a certain way, and it was very high standards. It wasn't a relationship with God. It was very much so. The religion that I was looking

spk_0:   3:44
like a lot of legalism.

spk_1:   3:46
Yeah. So I really I was pretty dedicated to that M but it was probably around 2014 right around spring break. I was 16 when I started dating my husband. Now and before I met him, it was it was a dark time in life for me. I had just come out of a really mentally abusive relationship and it left me in pieces that I think what is a really pivotal point in life fifteens hard enough when you don't have all of these negative things being said to you and the negative feelings that you're made to feel. And when I try to put myself back together again, I was using things like drinking and smoking at 15 15 year, I mean and eventually to try to win. You know, my ex's heart. I decided that I should sleep with them cause that's what fixes everything. So I think the spots that I didn't know how to fill correctly are, you know, where I should have been putting God and letting God speak to me and put me back together is where I was putting those things instead. And when I did so much damage in such a little time frame, I went from, you know, going to church camp. And, you know, it wasn't friends with the people that made out in public. And then when I turned 16 I started dating my husband, and I was at my lowest point for sure. And two months, and I found out that I was pregnant.

spk_0:   5:13
Okay, Wait, wait. So you went from I mean, not regularly attending church with your family, but doing youth camp and legalistic and really just trying to live a moral life by what you thought it was supposed to be. Two within months? Yes, dating a new guy, trying to fill a void and also deciding to sleep with him. And, you know, outside of marriage, Obviously you're 16 years old and getting pregnant. That's a lot for a short period of time.

spk_1:   5:43
Yeah, I spiraled quick. Don't do well, I'm competitive. I e

spk_0:   5:50
I mean, that's not a joke, but, you know,

spk_1:   5:52
it was it was very negative, but it did go 0 to 100 super fast, and I mean, I was a My mom and I have always been close, but she m she wasn't necessarily brought up the right way. So she was really leaning in what she let me do. She thought I was mature. Mature enough. She thought that I was responsible. And while those things were true, I wasn't mature enough to be handling the things I was putting myself into

spk_0:   6:17
which most 15 year olds are not. They might think that they are.

spk_1:   6:20
Yeah, for sure. You think you're invincible,

spk_0:   6:22
right? Yeah. Wow. So before we move on to the next part of that story, which I'm excited to start sharing that I know it's a lot for you, But what is it like to find out that you're pregnant at 16 years old, and, you know, you're this church, camp kid and all. That's how everyone sees you. And then suddenly, like you said, it was quick. It was such a quick turnaround. All of a sudden, you find yourself pregnant like you've got this positive pregnancy test. Then you're just like, Oh, my goodness.

spk_1:   6:50
Yeah, it was, um, terrifying and dishearten me. And I was really disappointed in myself in the quick time frame that that Waas. I lived in a small town, so word got around quick. So I mean, you know, I don't think many people were surprised, but I was disappointed in myself. I thought, you know, I was having fun, and everyone has fun. And when you're older, you get your life together. That's just how it is. But yeah, it was It was surreal, that's for sure.

spk_0:   7:16
Did you ever think that that was gonna happen or whether it was

spk_1:   7:18
possible? I You know, I always took, like, the home it classes. You had the baby, and I was like, These people are done. I like to sleep too much.

spk_0:   7:27
Yeah. So Okay, so you found out you're pregnant. The whole town knows you're just shocked. And then you still have to tell your parents and your boyfriend who's you've been with for two months. Yeah.

spk_1:   7:39
Yeah. So I actually went to his house to take the test because I thought I don't know. I'm doing this at home s o. I took it and he was like I said, He's my husband now, but he was really positive, you know? We're gonna make it through no matter what? And so that was encouraging. And like I said, my mom and I were close, so she knew that I was things weren't normal and says she reached out Was like, um everything gotta get by. Not on what you mean, you know? And I eventually I told her pretty quick because I'm horrible. Liar. I've never been a good liar. And my dad was the one that it took a while for me to get the guts to tell him. And

spk_0:   8:20
your mom made you tell him?

spk_1:   8:21
No, I was wondering what? That I know your mom and I was like, Really she made you do it's hold him and then, like, three days later of silence, which I can totally understand, He, like, gave me a hug. It's gonna be OK. Yeah. I mean, it was It was rough. I felt like I just let it a lot of people down. They had higher expectations for me, and I had higher expectations for myself.

spk_0:   8:43
So what happened after that?

spk_1:   8:45
So I didn't help friends for a long time. Where does spread quick in a small town. So I kept that pretty under lock and key, so it was my 17th birthday and I was a couple of months along and I decided, Well, you know, miscarriages pretty far out of the question, I'm going to start showing soon so that all my best friends together And so I told them all and I bought really, like, relieved. You know, I had people I could talk to. Finally, I didn't feel I think being young and getting pregnant. It's not how it's supposed to be. That's not how God designed it. And so you have a really weird conflict like you want to be excited because it is a life. I mean, right? Adoption and abortion just weren't ever in the forefront of my mind. I felt I couldn't be excited, but I waas. I mean, you know, it was disappointing, but I was gonna be the best moment could be. So I finally had people I could be excited with and

spk_0:   9:41
because, after isolating for no one to know, yeah, it's it's hard enough that you're pregnant as a teenager. Yeah, and like you said, trying to be excited, also knowing like

spk_1:   9:51
it's wrong, this is going to be

spk_0:   9:53
hard. Yeah, I didn't want it to be this way. It wasn't planned. It was, you know,

spk_1:   9:58
Yeah. I had dreams to travel the world, and I mean, it was just a lot of things came crashing to reality really fast. So within the first, I don't know, I'd say a week or two after me telling all my closest, best, most trusted friends, I got a phone call from a guy friend was not one of the people I had told. He's like, Hey, you're pregnant. And as soon as I confess what was really going on a hear people laughing Oh, no. And so it was just a lot of people let me down. I had a best friend that I told and she said, like she's not ready. She needs to have an abortion. People that really I thought we're gonna

spk_0:   10:33
and you're like, far along at this point.

spk_1:   10:36
Yeah, I mean, at least three or four months. I mean, it's not Yeah, So a lot of people just you think they're gonna be there and they're not. And that was hard. And I had teachers that it was my English teacher. He was also a football coach. My brother is a football star, plays of the Arkansas State? No,

spk_0:   10:54
Always a plug when you can.

spk_1:   10:55
Always. His coach said, Look, she'll never graduate. That's not gonna happen. So we're breaking. Yeah, a lot of and, you know, I mean, I knew all these things people would tell me. So as if I wasn't already beating myself up, it was coming from every angle, for sure.

spk_0:   11:10
You know, and kids, you kind of expect that. But like adults.

spk_1:   11:13
Yeah. Yeah, And I think that this would have been a good time for me to, you know, just lean into God and press in and grow. And I think instead I leaned into my stubbornness and my willingness to prove people wrong. And so I did a I finished school. I graduated. I had my son in March. I graduated in May, and I was gonna start school in August. So,

spk_0:   11:36
college, you can start college. Yeah. Look at you. Yeah. So what happened?

spk_1:   11:42
I I mean, when I went to college, I, uh I was trying to juggle Mom. Wife. At that point, I was engaged, I think to my husband now. So we're planning a wedding and trying to go to school, and I just didn't love it. So I decided to go to cosmetology school. In that season, I kind of I had a friend, a friend of my mom's actually reach out, and she invited us to come to try her churches like it's in a school, you know? I don't know if you're gonna like It was a Casio. She's the best, just a conveyor plugged in. But I really just unfeeling called toe help you right now, and I invite you to our church. And so we went to try a new church, and it was just like the Holy Spirit, like I had never felt it before, and it was just like the fire that led under me that was ready to have a relationship. And so we had Dawson dedicated, and I mean, ever since then, it's just like, not only for me, but for Dawson. I just wanted to grow and just really have that relationship. So it's been it's been hard, but it's been good. And

spk_0:   12:53
so let's go back a little bit, too. You just had a baby. You're engaged. You're doing all these things. Life's changing superfast. You've got all these people telling you It's not gonna work. You're being stubborn. You want it to work. But for you, for your like stubbornness. Not necessarily because you want to start living a life for God. But where was God in this season for you? What did it look like? What was God showing you in that season?

spk_1:   13:19
So I really feel like at that point, I didn't have a relationship with God. I like. I said, I knew that he loved me, and that's what I was told. I didn't know that, really. But I feel like I was really just distant. I wasn't turning to him for guidance at all. And you know, our pastor had always said Our pastor now says that sin doesn't Is it bad just because God's a fun hater innocent is bad because it hurts us. And at that point in life, I kind of looked at it like that, like, you know, I wanna have fun. Still, I want to do all these things and things that I thought were fun. And so a lot of like bringing God into that was just too much for me. Like I was a mom. I was about to be a wife and I still wanted to be, like, 20 years old, 19 years old, you know, like, even younger than that on guy. Just I really wanted Teoh. I thought I wanted to be like everyone else my age. I had to excel in all areas because I'm competitive. So if I brought God into that, I was gonna do it wholeheartedly. And I wasn't ready for that, Really. Though looking back out of all of the bad, like things that I did, I was I was searching for him. I just didn't realize it. I I wanted that feeling of love, and I wanted that feeling of peace, but I just I was looking for it all their own places, for sure.

spk_0:   14:41
At what point did God come into

spk_1:   14:44
the picture? You know, I had been saved. I had been baptized. I had been rededicated a church camp. I think I was even baptized to get, um,

spk_0:   14:54
just a cover on it.

spk_1:   14:55
Make sure you know, um but like I said, the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that was something. I was just totally new to me. It wasn't something that I had to do right that would, you know, make God love me. And it wasn't the acts that I was doing. It was just, you know, knowing that he was Lord and accepting that and doing my best. You know, that was good to live a life that honored him. But even if I didn't, that he was still gonna love me. And that's it was like the missing piece of the puzzle. I just I had always searched for it in, you know, my first boyfriend. I I wanted to be wanted and I wanted to be loved and definitely wasn't so That left the whole even bigger. And even with my husband, I want to be the the most wanted thing. And I've had to realize, you know, that's just that's the only thing that's only God can fill that. And I think out of all the things that I've done looking back, God was always there, and he he was just waiting for me to be ready. He wanted, you know, he's a gentleman, and, um, I could see how he was moving. I mean, I don't recommend anyone being a teen mom, because it is hard and you do feel alone. But if this if things hadn't gone the way they did, I wouldn't have my son. And I think that he has been a big driving focus for me to grow in my relationship because I want him to have that relationship. And so to see how God can, you know, Like Romans 8 28 says that God works all things together for the good of those who love him. And  

spk_1:   16:34

spk_1:   16:34
when I finally stopped trying to tread water on my own, he was there. He was. He had his hand out. And so it wasn't like this big all hall moment, but it was just finally just sinking into the love that he had there for me the

spk_0:   16:50
whole time. I think that I've heard this before. I wouldn't choose it for myself, but if I had to do it again, I wouldn't do it any other way. Yeah, it's kind of like when you realize that God was with you the whole time. You could genuinely say, Man, that was really hard. But if I had to, I do it again. Yeah. So now Dawson is for almost five next month. Yeah, almost five. I always forget that you're not my age. And I think that's like a compliment. Yeah, Yeah, that you're in our marriage group. And a lot of us are quite a bit older than you. And we don't realize it because you just fit right in. You guys, um I forget that you're 22 right?

spk_1:   17:29
23 in July, But yet all these birthday is coming up, you know,

spk_0:   17:32
And most of us are in our thirties, and you aren't your typical 22 year old. And I think that speaks volumes to you. Like you said, your commitment to raise Dawson in a home that you could be proud of and provide for him the things that you didn't have. And it's not necessarily because your parents and provide you with that Your parents are married. They loved you guys. You like you said you had a solid home. Yeah, maybe you weren't at church as much as you, you know? Could have been, but they just didn't know better. Yeah, right. That you know better do it right on dso. It's just really incredible to see how you have grown from all of this. Which is why I wanted to share your story because it's, you know, you some people could look at this and say that was a huge mistake. Yeah, and yet you're thriving right now, you know, you've been redeemed. You have this little boy like you said, you don't recommend teen pregnancy. But you know, it's not the end of the world. Yeah, that there are girls out there that air young women out there that feel like they have, you know, made such big mistakes that they can never be redeemed from. And they're too far gone. It's been they've been too bad, they've messed up too much. And that's just not the case like you're an example of that. So, really, today's episode is for that woman out there who thinks, or even that young girl. So things I've messed up. Too bad I've gone too far. I've heard too many t four. It's never too far, right? Forgot. Yeah, maybe people. Yes, it would be too, too far for people because people are broken and people can get hurt and you can't control other people. But you're never too far for for God. And I think that that's a huge part of your story.

spk_1:   19:03
Yeah, that's I would say, though the most beautiful thing that has really come from this other than Dawson, of course, is that I mean, he God's love really is so unconditional and unfailing, and it's just constant You. I mean, we do mess up every day in small ways, but even the big things like he's still there and he still is just open arms. He's ready. And I just I love that because, Aiken, I think being a mom, I've seen it even more so because I feel that way for Dawson. And I know my life could never compare to God's love for us.

spk_0:   19:37

spk_1:   19:37
I think that's just

spk_0:   19:38
hey, can't mess up to

spk_1:   19:39
Ben. No mount, never. He's

spk_0:   19:41
yours forever. Yes, and you're always ready for him to come to you.

spk_1:   19:45
Yes, and God's even greater. Do

spk_0:   19:47
you have anything that you would say to a woman listening right now who feels like maybe they have messed up too bad. I know we just a little bit touched on that, but they have messed up too bad or or a woman who knows somebody who's going through something like that, just do you have anything to say to women out there that could be affected by something like what you went through or even just something is just feels devastating in the moment.

spk_1:   20:12
Yeah, I think you know, it can be a lot like like running on a beach like it's exhausting to just stiff on God all the time. And when you finally just realized his love is going to be there, no matter how much you mess up, as long as you can look to him at the end of the day and truly know that, you know, you know that you've made bad decisions and be, you know, sorry for that and ask for his forgiveness. But he wipes it away like it was never there in the first place. And I think that it's just important to see see ourselves as God sees us, like we really are spotless to him, as dirty as we actually are were spotless, and he he loves us. I mean, I think that's just the biggest thing right now that I'm still learning and just loving Teoh just sit in is just he loves you and he deserves all the glory bird I mean bringing bringing me out of that because it was not on my own powers.

spk_0:   21:12
Well, and what's interesting is you say that if I am giving the opportunity to say anything to any of the women out there listening and the first thing you say is that it's exhausting to try and stiff arm God. And yet the thing that held you back from going into God's love was you felt like you didn't have enough energy or that you couldn't do it well enough. You know, that was the one thing that you like. I if I can't go all in, I can't do it. And yet it was more exhausting for you to avoid it.

spk_1:   21:41
Yeah, I mean, when we sin, I mean, I just It's so it causes so much more hurt and so much more drama. And God doesn't mean he doesn't. He never wanted that for us. So it is more exhausting. Teoh be dealing with the mess is that you're making them to just give it to God. And I mean, obviously tried to avoid this in and just live in, like the way he made it to be peaceful and joyful and We're all going to come up against things. But at the end of the day, like God is God and he's good and his plan for us is to people of peace, enjoy. And

spk_0:   22:19
so what's it like? You said, You're still learning it. What's it like to just believe God loves you?

spk_1:   22:24
It's a lot easier. It really is. I have always struggled with just Does Not Feeling Good Enough. And I would say truthfully in the last six months to a year, it's just been a crazy breakthrough. Like I knew he loved me but really feeling the love and knowing that it's not just something that your parents tell you that you know, your grandma tells you because she has dual Graham. I'll say that like grandma. Yeah, you're the best. You really are beautiful and you really are loved. And there's nothing you can do to most set up that bad. Nothing. I mean,

spk_0:   23:00
what does that look like? Practically for you? How did you get there?

spk_1:   23:04
Um, a lot of worship Worship is my place to just, like love on God. Worship is just so simple. Just telling God that you know I love him. and I'm thankful, I don't know. I just I look at other people differently because I know how much God loves them, and it's just it's super simple. It will make it so much harder than the day.

spk_0:   23:24
We really do. We really? Yeah, What's God showing you now in this season

spk_1:   23:30
to just live in the joy? Really, I have gone three seasons because of all of that where there was a lot of hard stuff going on, and there was a lot of just anxiety all the time and a lot of being worked up and being on edge and on the defense all the time. And my word for this year is just joy. I just I feel like it's so much easier just to be joyful and, you know, it's it's easy because he wants that for you. So I think that, um,

spk_0:   24:03
so is it You're basically are saying it's a choice you're choosing.

spk_1:   24:06
Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, because people are people and I mean, we all have bad days. But if at the end of the day, and I mean throughout the day just toe look at things from the perspective of how it could be good.

spk_0:   24:20
Do you have a Scripture? Anything you want to share?

spk_1:   24:22
I dio It's, um it's Ah, oldie but a goodie.

spk_0:   24:27
All of them are kind old.

spk_1:   24:29
It's a very much so used on. Okay, it's Psalms 41 through three and and says I have waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction out of the Mary Bog and set my feet upon Iraq. Making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God Many will see in fear and put their trust in the Lord. It's such a beautiful picture of like how God can take you from the dirtiest, most messed up places and he just makes a beautiful just at the snap of fingers.

spk_0:   25:08
Before we go, I want to take a moment to talk a little bit about the wildly beautiful Instagram page that you started. I want you to tell us a little bit about what that is, what the mission behind that is why you started it and where our listeners can follow you

spk_1:   25:22
so wildly beautiful is Right now, it's just a instagram, but it's really, um I'm trying to create a community of I'd say teenage is a good age range, but really it's open toe women. I mean, I think we all need the message that I'm trying to portray. And it's just that God created us. And I mean, he were perfect in his eyes and were warriors to him and where, you know, as precious as jewels. We are worse. I mean, just all the things that God sees us as and what he has called us to be S O that girls and women can hear that and see that. And it could just be an encouragement to them that whatever you're looking to to fill that identity whole, none of it is going to really feel it like who God has called you to be and what he says you are. And I think that I mean, I know for myself that I just I was so lost on who God said I was that I just That's why I tried to fill that fill it with drugs and drinking and all those things. So I think it's important that young girls really get that in their hearts early so that they can be just have their head on straight, that when things get hard in life, that they know that God is still called them and God still loves them. And he really does say that they are perfect in his eyes.

spk_0:   26:49
So the purpose of the pages to continually put that message out there to share that message with anyone who's following and what are your plans for this going forward? I mean, you just start. This is very new, very just started, but we're super excited. It's been in your heart for a while now, but you finally were able to put some stuff together and get it started. But where is your vision for this? In the future,

spk_1:   27:12
I wanna have meet ups where girls can create a community together where they're lifting each other up because girls were mean. Sometimes especially high school girls. I want them to love on each other and build each other up. But you know, long term, I would love to be having conferences and things like that where girls can come and spend a weekend and just be filled with positivity and what the Lord says about him and also practical things, like some people don't have, you know, parents that can answer some of the tough life questions for them or even, you know, I'm a cosmetologist. Beauty related

spk_0:   27:47
question. Seriously, that would have been so helpful for me. I grew up with, you know, my dad, and he was married to a woman who didn't really wear makeup. And so I left home. I didn't have to put makeup on. I never even dyed my hair, which is like, now I loved, you know? Yeah, I would do a lot of shades, a lot of different things. I didn't know you could just do. So when I left the house, I thought I'm gonna dye my hair black because I'll go from blonde to black, and then all the walmart color, better box color, and then I'll just diet back to blonde later. It does not work that way. But no one told me this, and I don't I still don't know how to like French braid or any of that stuff. I mean, like your basic grade. That's what I can dio so like that in and of itself is such a thing. Yeah, And then you've done You've already gone to at least one of these before where you have participated in this. So you're starting to learn that. So if any of our listeners are in the Oklahoma Texas area and they're putting on a conference for young girls

spk_1:   28:40
hit me up.

spk_0:   28:42
She is so cute. She does so great with these young girls and she's easy to talk to. She is one of those young women is very magnetic to the young girls. They see her and she can relate to them on some levels. But also, she's a little bit farther ahead and can really teach them something. So that's another thing to your wanting to do is get involved in that more to Yeah, for sure. So get in on the ground floor, make sure that you follow the instagram page. Where can they find you?

spk_1:   29:10
So it's at wildly be period, you period to full so

spk_0:   29:18
and that's you spelled out. Why are you will link it in the description for everyone to find, But so it's right now it's just instagram Page. Don't everything on Facebook correct? Well, there's not really that many young girls face

spk_1:   29:30
translate Cool, given tic tac. Maybe it's are It's just

spk_0:   29:34
that old 30 13 up mom

spk_1:   29:36
that I'm not even really on

spk_0:   29:37
things but anymore. I forget that, like I'm like, Oh, man, my family's waiting for a picture of my kids. They haven't seen them in lights for months because everything's on Instagram, which I feel like my crowd might be chasing the girls off Instagram to like, yeah, maybe take talking. Yes, So that's exciting And, um, ur posting on there just inspirational stuff. And again, it's not just for young girls. Women can follow it, too. I know that there are some young women in there that are liking and really appreciating what you have to share.

spk_1:   30:06
I've had some older ladies reach out to their like I struggle with making friends. I'm like, That's what this is all about. Like we could make friends, you know

spk_0:   30:13
well, and you're never too old to be struggling with your identity. Yeah, I think that's a thing that it does start in the young years. But if it if you never address it or you never find out how to fill that void you take that with you for a long time? For sure. There are older women. There are women of all ages, men and women too, but of all ages, that kind of struggle with that stuff. And so I think this is an important need that you're filling and I'm super excited. So go follow Instagram Page. If you have an instagram and if you don't get one,

spk_1:   30:42
you can All right, take talking. You know, so

spk_0:   30:45
you never know. Well, thank you so much for being our guest in coming in recording with us. I am so thankful for you, too. Share your story and just really reach a demographic of young girls and young women and really just all of our listeners who have experienced something like that. I appreciate it so much, so happy to be here. It's so fun. Thanks for listening to today's episode. I'm your host, Courtney Haggard. If you like the show and you want to know more, check us out on Facebook or instagram and subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts. So you never miss an episode. Please take a few minutes to leave a review in a five star rating. on iTunes. And don't forget to take a screenshot and tag the show on your social media. It seriously is so encouraging to know that you're out there and listening until next time, remember your story matters.